Monday 29 July 2013

Great Brittle (redefining marriage) by Joel Pridmore

10 February 2013

This week marks a redefining moment in our society. In redefining marriage, we redefine family; the glue that holds societies together. This glue that once made Britain Great is becoming more and more brittle – are we coming unstuck?

One of our expressed purposes as a church is to love people – all people. No matter who they are, where they’ve come from or what they have done, we love them – we must not compromise on that! This, however, absolutely does not mean that we have to agree with people’s actions or ungodly world views.

The 1967 act to allow abortions was carried in the name of countering the horrific back street and self-administered abortions that were taking place. Today, however, abortion is used as a form of contraception and we see around 200,000 unborn children in the UK killed every year before they have taken a breath.

I wonder what we will be saying in 40 years time about the effect of the same-sex marriage bill of 2013. Both abortion and same sex marriage are issues where so called ‘rights’ have been exalted above what is ‘right.’

I am not sure if there is such a thing as a politically Christian nation, as following Christ can never be a legislative matter, but if that has ever been an appropriate description of the UK then it is no longer. The MPs, who we voted into Parliament, have made it abundantly clear this week that minority lobbying in the name of equal rights is more important than God’s ways.

From a societal point of view, we Christians are now a marginalised minority group whose lobbying is sometimes labelled old fashioned and bigoted, but thankfully our eternal reality is as the victorious heirs of the Kingdom of heaven.

No matter what society looks like around us, we must stand up for truth & resolve to establish His Kingdom and its values on Earth.

He remains good, no matter what is happening around us. Thank God that we can place our feet on solid ground and our future and eternal destiny is secure despite the crumbling of society we are facing.

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